Tuesday, 19 November 2019


The OpenPortal Portlet Container was integrated in 5. Good to know that its working. Yes the messages during startup says portal-ext. This page was last edited on 15 May , at Retrieved from " https: Do you have explanations on these two issues? openportal portlet container 2.0

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Sun Java System Portal Server - Wikipedia

My tests on caching give the same wrong results as before. The integration was done based on the steps documented in this article. Many thanks for your accurate answers! This version provides a porrtlet and a set of software modules that offer the following:.

Download the latest stable release of the portlet container. Write a blog post too!

openportal portlet container 2.0

Click on the Portlets tab to now view the portlet. I made the checks and it seems OK. Sun Microsystems acquired by Oracle Corp Posted by navaneeth at 8: This is because no portlets are deployed by default.


Articles lacking sources from November All articles lacking sources. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Portlets tab helps view all the portlets currently deployed.

openportal portlet container 2.0

This article does not cite any sources. You can try it on 5. And it also implements many cojtainer the optional features like expiration and validation caching, support for alias in eventing and public render parameters, support for wild card in eventing. As a workaround I added the following statement in all my JSPs: Do you have explanations on these two issues?

No, WSRP project https: At JavaOneSun and Liferay announced a strategic partnership that combines efforts and technologies from both companies' communities to enhance and maintain web aggregation and presentation technologies that are utilized in existing and future products. This post is a part of the Portlet 2. Developers can also use design tools such as Dreamweaver to design new themes and skins.

Portal administrators can then leverage portlets, WSRP consumers, or additional portal tools for adding content to portal pages.

Sun Java System Portal Server

Liferay Portal 5 and Sun's Project WebSynergy are the first version of xontainer new product families that are a result of this initiative and derived from the same codebase. This page was last edited on 15 Mayat It throws an exception. Start your server and access the portlet container at http: Retrieved from " https: Login or Create an account.

I am interested in the JSR's "validation cache" features, which seems not implemented in Liferay 5. Views Read Edit View history.

- OpenPortal Portlet Container in Liferay

Does anyone have a estimate on when the next release will occurr? Click on the Admin tab and proceed to deploy the portlet. Write a deep dive into how you use Liferay projects in your technology stack.

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