Sunday, 24 November 2019


He is very cheerful and He delivers the souls immersed in the Kali-yuga. Mantra and translation courtesy of: This kunda is filled with water throughout the year. My dear Lord, please keep me close to Your lotus feet! This body, I am not this body. nitai pada kamala mp3

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I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of kamalx Krsna-bhakti tree, who wandered around Bengal and, approaching the door of each and every home, threw open His arms and exclaimed, "O brothers!

Gaur Mandal Parikrama Yatra Audio Lecture in Russian Translation of Radhanath Swami – Part 02

Arjuna fired it to kill Bakasura and thereby help Bhima who had gone alone on that assignment. As desired by Nitai, Anantadeva manifested Himself in that way.

Maddened with pure love for Lord Hari, His eyes constantly iamala about and he walks as gracefully as an elephant. What can He do for me? Weil er keine Verbindung mit Nityananda gemacht hat. By chanting the holy name of Lord Hari, He removes the false ego born from the ocean of material life.

The priests at the temple tell that Lord Nityananda entered the body of Bankima Raya and left for His unmanifest pastimes. Sei pasu boro duracar.

nitai pada kamala mp3

His beauty was so enchanting and He was so full of ecstatic love for Krishna that, wherever He moved, crowds of people would follow and become lovers of God. If you do this, you will become free from the ocean of birth and kamwla in the material world. That is the Vedic injunction. Without becoming Brahman, one cannot approach the Supreme Brahman. Just like without being fire, nobody can enter into the fire.

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nitai pada kamala mp3

That is not pleasure. Knowing that Nityananda had arrived, Lord Chaitanya sent His devotees to Him, and there was a meeting between the two of Them. Just like if you touch electricity, immediately you become electrified.

Nitai Pada Kamala Mp3's and CD's with mantra meaning, lyrics, pronunciation and translation.

All of you should eternally perform sri-harinama-sankirtana together. The five Pandavas are described as staying in Ekachakra during their years in exile. During childhood He frolicked in this village like Balarama.

A person who has not established his relationship with Nityananda Prabhu has wasted his life and is no better than an animal. He says that such human being is an animal, an uncontrollable animal.

If the world wants to have real peace, it should take shelter of Lord Nityananda. Subscribe to our email newsletter and receive exclusive paa on new album releases, Nitau Yoga teachings, and more! The result is that he is accepting something false to be truth.

If you actually want to approach the association of Radha-Krishna, you must first achieve the mercy of Lord Nityananda. The result is that I am accepting something which is false. What can He do for me? He is the abode of the mellows of devotional service, no one can be compared to Him and He is the be all and end all for His devotees. I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the root of the Krsna-bhakti tree, whose bright face mocks the full autumn moon, whose nihai complexion glistens, whose gait is like that of a maddened elephant, who is always intoxicated in Krsna-prema, who embodies pure spiritual energy, whose face holds a gentle smile, whose eyes are always rolling due to Lada absorption in Krsna-prema, whose lotus hand holds a glowing staff, and who, by pads performance of nama-sankirtana, pierces the influence of Kali-yuga.

On knowing this he came to Bengal to see the Lord. Ohne Wasser zu sein, kann niemand in das Wasser eingehen. Please give this gift of your liberation to Me.

Without being water, nobody can enter into the water.

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